Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You Are Everything ~ Matthew West

Today is a great day! Nothing special going on... My Baby Boy is home sick on only the second day of school. I have a ton of things to do this week... including taking my mom for x-rays and blood tests, making a new budget (blah), and trying to learn to feed my family cheaper, healthier meals. Plus, I want to write on my blog! (Yay!) And with that is the ususal housework, homework, and errands. We won't even mention exercise!

What's great is that no matter what gets done... or not, it just doesn't change the fact that God is in control. And this song reminds me of that... so I thought I'd share it with you.

Love this song... thought you might enjoy it too! :)

God bless and have a great day!
Mary Ann

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