Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last day of school!

I'm so excited! It's finally here! THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Wow... I guess you might think that I'm in school. Not so. But my kids will be out for the summer after today. Let me correct that. Two of my kids will be out for summer. One, my kinda 'middle' son, will be out forever. Yep. He's a senior.

I'm very excited for him. He's going to begin his adult life. Ok... now I want to cry. Did I mention it was bittersweet? I want to see him go off and be successful. Enjoy life. Live life to the fullest. I want him to be all that God has called him to be. And at the same time, I'm missing him. I know, he hasn't even let yet. But I miss him all the same. At least I know he'll be fine. He's a smart kid... uh, hem... man. Yes, he's a young man. He's smart, he's a hard worker, he's good to people, and he'll do great things. I have no reason to be sad, except for myself, and his younger siblings who will miss him greatly.

Yes... it's going to be a great summer. For those of us at home, and those who are going out into the world. We will each have adventures of our own.

Let's get started!

Mary Ann  :)

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