Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prayer Request For My Son

Would you please pray for my son today?

My Baby Boy, he's 12, is going in for an MRI today. He's pretty nervous. So am I. Would you please add him to your prayer list? Maybe you could pray for us both?

For the last two months my Baby Boy has had problems with his leg. It's been very painful and we thought he injured it in the pool over the summer, but they can't find anything wrong. They thought he may have dislocated his hip but after x-rays they found it was normal.

After a visit to his pediatrician (twice), the chiropractor, and the orthopedic surgeon... we still don't know what the problem is. He is in pain every day. He can't run or play like he used to because his leg is always hurting him. He doesn't have the range of motion that he should have and his leg is weak. It's even been hard for him to fall asleep at night because he can't get comfortable.

I know we serve a living, loving, healing God! Would you please bring my son before Him today? Maybe even pass this request along to any prayer chain you may belong to? There is power in prayer!

Thank you so much! Your prayers are appreciated.  I'll be praying for you today as well.

God bless and have a great day! :)

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