Saturday, November 5, 2011

Drew Manning's Journey From "Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit"

I don't know if you've heard of Drew Manning's quest to go from Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit in 1 year... but if not, let me tell you.

Can I just start out by saying... He is my new hero!!!

Drew Manning is a personal trainer who has willingly put on an extra 50-60 pounds over the course of 6 months, and now he will lose it all back in the following 6 months. AND... he's doing it publicly! Why?  So he can better understand the struggles of those he is trying to help... all of us who are overweight and have a hard time shedding those unwanted pounds. 

I've been following his blog for just a couple of weeks and I love it. I find him to be authentic. He is doing this amazing thing so he can have a better understanding of the food addictions, the depression, the poor body image, and everything else that people who are overweight are dealing with on a daily basis. He has never been overweight and yet he is putting on the pounds. Who would do that???  Someone who truly cares.

Check out this video...

You can read his story and find some great information on meal planning, workouts, and much more on his Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit site at

You can follow him on his blog at

Oh... and if you're on Twitter you can find him there too at!/fit2fat2fit.

There you have it! All the links you'll need if you'd like to follow along on his journey... or maybe even join in his final 6 months of shedding the pounds.

Thanks for reading and God bless! :)


Blogger In Training said...

I love you to Mommy and I know we are praying for Joe.

Mary Ann said...

I love you too, Baby Girl! Yes, we pray for Joe and we'll see him very soon! :)


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