Tuesday, August 2, 2011

River's Song by Melody Carlson

Love, love, love this book! One of my favorites...

River's Song by Melody Carlson is the story of Anna Larson, a woman who finds peace and renewed strength after years of living under the harsh disapproval of her mother-in-law. Left alone with a child after the injury and then death of her husband, she has no other choice but to live with this woman who's obvious disdain for her, makes her life miserable. The death of her own mother brings Anna back to the childhood home she remembers along the Siuslaw River where she finds healing for her broken life. 

I didn't get 'hooked' until about the third chapter and then the story just caught me... I couldn't put it down. The scenery was vivid and peaceful... I could feel the calm of the river as if I were there. The characters were down-to-earth and friendly. I felt as if I knew them. I found myself encouraged by Anna's story of healing and restoration after being beaten down by her circumstances (and her mother-in-law) for so long. She regained her strength and refused to remain under the control of others who would think she wasn't 'good enough' because of her heritage. 

I think you'll enjoy this book. It's rich with Native American history and the stories told within it are great. I'm about ready to be a guest at The Inn at Shining Waters! I was actually sad to be finished and I can't wait for the next book in the series... I know it's gonna be great! 

*Thank you, Glass Road Productions, for providing me with a copy of this book and allowing me to be a part of your review program! :)

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